RIL_Init(): If /efs/uart_path exists (not on sample trace, so can probably be ignored): echo 0 > /sys/class/sec/uart_switch/UART_SEL/value If getprop ril.RildInit != 1: boot_6160(); (sleep(2) && repeat 5 times if boot fails) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- boot_6160(): - Read 'radio' partition from /dev/mtd5ro (read size=0xC00000) - Prepare PSI from modem image - ioctl IOCTL_MODEM_RESET (0x6f20); usleep(400000); xmit_bootloader(/dev/s3c2410_serial3 115200 8N1, psi_info): xmit_AT(): Repeat 20 times: write("AT", 2); usleep(1000000); bootcore_version = read(1); (fail if version != 0xf0) info_size = read(1); (trace result: 0x16) xmit_PSI(): write(??, 1); write(psi_info.size_byte1, 1); write(psi_info.size_byte2, 1); [write, rest of function needs to be reversed] xmit_images(/dev/modem_ctl): xmit_img(modem.img): write in chunks of 0xFB000 xmit_nvdata(/efs/nv_data.bin): load_md5_state(/efs/.nv_state): If nv_state file does not exist: - Backup /efs/nv_data.bin to /efs/.nv_data.bak - Backup /efs/nv_data.bin.md5 to /efs/.nv_data.bak.md5 - Calculate and store MD5 (as shown below) - Write ASCII 1 to /efs/.nv_state - MD5 info stored in /efs/nv_data.bin.md5 (ASCII MD5 hash) check_nv_data_validity(): check_nv_data_size(/efs/nv_data.bin): - Check if file size = 0x200000 check_md5(): - Verify MD5 of /efs/nv_data.bin against /efs/nv_data.bin.md5 contents If check_md5 failed: restore_nv_data(): - Restore nv_data backup - On failure, call create_default_nv_data() - Open /efs/nv_data.bin or create_default_nv_data() on failure: lseek(fd_modem_ctl, 0xD80000, 0) write 0x200000 in chunks of 0x100000 - ioctl IOCTL_MODEM_START (0x6f21);